Quality charter

Quality is very serious for the AMBLARD company. In fact, the acclimatisation centre in Villepinte and the trans-shipping activity in Mazamet are ISO 9001 certified for quality management. This acknowledgement assures clients, partners and suppliers that the AMBLARD company maintains the highest standards and professionalism.

Rigorous selection of animals

Animals proposed to clients by the AMBLARD company are supplied by professionals chosen by the team of biologists.

These suppliers respect requirements that define criteria such as zootechnics, health, comportment and logistics defined by the company which also ensures the quality of the animals at purchase.

Treatment adapted to each animal

The AMBLARD company is particularly careful with hygiene, health and comfort of the animals it sells.

That’s why:

  • specific methods of transport are used, adapted and registered by veterinary services and/or by I.A.T.A. In addition to optimal conditions, everything is done to ensure that the transport of animals takes the shortest time possible,
  • teams of professionals take care and regularly examine the animals that pass through the acclimatisation centre in Paris.

Scrupulous respect for national, EU and international legislation

Attentive to animal rights, the AMBLARD company respects rules vigorously and only sells authorised animals.

Traceability procedures have been put in place and are applied to every animal bought and sold by the company.

A passionate and competent sales team available to help clients

The client relationship is at the heart of company activity.

The sales team:

  • advises clients on the choice of animals best suited to their type of establishment and on the care requirements necessary for each species,
  • demonstrates responsiveness so as to serve in the best possible conditions,
  • is attentive to all comments that could optimise the quality of work,
  • finds a fast and efficient solution in the case of a problem.
Sales to professionnal

Biodiversité pour l'aquarium poissons, invertébrés et plantes aquatiques d'eau douce et d'eau de mer.

Access to pro space
Substainable Development

En tant qu’entreprise responsable, la société AMBLARD s’engage à concilier efficacement performance économique et préservation de l’environnement.

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The AMBLARD company initialised a network of franchises of acclimatisation centres and « trans-shipping » platforms.

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Conception, réalisation : Agence ICOM - communication responsable - Toulouse

Solution de gestion de contenu : Blyss CMS, developpé par Kairn (Toulouse).