Patents and registered trademarks

Brevets déposés

The AMBLARD company has put specific techniques in place concerning the transport of live aquatic animals, their reconditioning and their propagation by fragging. These techniques are all registered patents in France, Canada, Europe, the United States and Japan.

  1. French patent n° 0305380 : "Packaging for transport of live aquatic animals, notably cnidaires, caridides or peneides".
  2. French patent n° 0309045 : "Packaging for transport of live aquatic animals, notably cnidaires and process of conditioning for this packaging".
  3. French patent n° 0304672 : "Process and installation of reconditioning of live aquatic animals, destined for aquariums".
  4. American patent n° 10/820,053 : "Process and installation of reconditioning of live aquatic animals, destined for aquariums".
  5. Brevet américain n°10/820,053 : "Procédé et installation de reconditionnement d’animaux aquatiques vivants, destinés aux aquariums".
  6. Japanese patent n° 2004-313195 : "Process and installation of reconditioning of live aquatic animals, destined for aquariums".
  7. Canadian patent n° 2,462,921 : "Process and installation of reconditioning of live aquatic animals, destined for aquariums".
  8. French patent n° 0307440 : "Base for aquaculture by fragging aquatic animals, notably destined for aquariums and installation involving this base".
  9. European patent n° EP1488696A1 : "Base for aquaculture by fragging aquatic animals, notably destined for aquariums and installation involving this base".
  10. American patent n° 2005/0022749 : "Base for aquaculture by fragging aquatic animals, notably destined for aquariums and installation involving this base".
  11. Canadian patent n° CA2470353 : Base for aquaculture by fragging aquatic animals, notably destined for aquariums and installation involving this base.
  12. Japanese patent n° 2005-6655 : "Base for aquaculture by fragging aquatic animals, notably destined for aquariums and installation involving this base".

Registered trademarks

The AMBLARD company has registered trademarks at the National Institute of Industrial Ownership for the cultured corals it creates.
lombok frags
Cultured corals cultivated
in Lombok in Indonesia
Iran-Jaya frags
Cultured corals cultivated
in Irian-Jaya in Indonesia
Bali frags
Cultured corals cultivated
in Bali in Indonesia
Kalimantan frags
Cultured corals cultivated
in Kalimantan in Indonesia
Nano frags
Miniature cultured corals
destined for "Nano Reef" aquariums
Sales to professionnal

Biodiversité pour l'aquarium poissons, invertébrés et plantes aquatiques d'eau douce et d'eau de mer.

Access to pro space
Substainable Development

En tant qu’entreprise responsable, la société AMBLARD s’engage à concilier efficacement performance économique et préservation de l’environnement.

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The AMBLARD company initialised a network of franchises of acclimatisation centres and « trans-shipping » platforms.

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Conception, réalisation : Agence ICOM - communication responsable - Toulouse

Solution de gestion de contenu : Blyss CMS, developpé par Kairn (Toulouse).