Quality control

In order to ensure client satisfaction, AMBLARD has a rigorous quality control system in place assured by its team of biologists around the world. This operating mode shows its commitment to aquatics that are respectful to the environment. An approach recognised by ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and Marine Aquarium Council certifications.

The company biologists, mobile and sedentary, assure this quality control which is based around the following four ideas :

Control the health quality of the species sold from their capture or breeding to their transport

  • by selecting the best specimens of fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants,
  • by controlling the animals in the country of origin, before they are transported,
  • by carrying out an additional control assured by a vet in our acclimatisation centre in Villepinte.

Assure respect of health rules imposed by national and international regulations.

In relation with the competent authorities of the countries concerned, they control, as well as the health norms imposed, the origin of animals that come from zones or breeding programmes which are subject to a specific surveillance programme.

Actually, these zones or breeding programmes are obliged to follow the procedures outlined in the Manual of diagnostic of aquatic animal diseases of The International Office of Epizootics.

Species coming from these zones and breeding programmes must be officially recognised as being free of the following diseases :

  • For fish and their products : Epizootic Ulcerative syndrome (EUS), Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis (EHN), Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA), Koi herpes virus (KHV), Spring vireamia of carp (SVC), Bacterial kidney disease (BKD), Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPN) and infection with Gyrodactylus salaris (GS).
  • For shellfish and their products :Infection with Bonamia exitiosa, infection with Perkinsus marinus, infection with Mikrocytos makini, infection with Marteilia refringens and infection with Bonamia ostreae.
  • For crustaceans and their products : Taura syndrome, white spot, yellow head.

Verify the quality of species offered by suppliers

  • by assuring that suppliers respect the AMBLARD quality charter and the Marine Aquarium Council procedures when they are certified,
  • by selecting new suppliers and new supply sources capable of assuring optimum quality up until their transport.

Ensure respect of the environment

  • by carrying out unexpected controls of the fishing sites and the methods of capture,
  • by developing ecological fishing methods,
  • by developing aquaculture centres for fish, clams and particularly corals,
  • by putting in place new techniques for packing.
Sales to professionnal

Biodiversité pour l'aquarium poissons, invertébrés et plantes aquatiques d'eau douce et d'eau de mer.

Access to pro space
Substainable Development

En tant qu’entreprise responsable, la société AMBLARD s’engage à concilier efficacement performance économique et préservation de l’environnement.

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The AMBLARD company initialised a network of franchises of acclimatisation centres and « trans-shipping » platforms.

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Conception, réalisation : Agence ICOM - communication responsable - Toulouse

Solution de gestion de contenu : Blyss CMS, developpé par Kairn (Toulouse).