International trade in aquatics
The AMBLARD company specialises in the sale of fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants for marine and tropical aquariums. Sale is reserved for professionals such as retailers (pet shops, garden centres, etc…), wholesalers, importers or public aquariums.The AMBLARD company offers its clients regular supplies of tropical and marine species from all over the world, whether wild caught or captive bred, common or rare, tropical or mediterranean.
Clients all over the world are delivered from fishing stations, breeding farms or the acclimatisation centre in Paris.
Always available to meet clients’ needs, the company adapts according to requirements and can seek rare and large sized species such as sharks and rays, particularly for public aquariums, oceanography museums and zoos.
Its commercial activity is based around 3 ideas:
- acclimatisation activity with its centre situated on the site of Paris-Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport,
- brokerage activity « trans-shipping »,
- export activity from fishing and breeding sites abroad.