Activity permits

Opening authorisation

The AMBLARD company has been declared at the Prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis for its import and acclimatisation activities and for the sales of aquatic animals destined for aquariums.

Prefectorial decree of opening authorisation n° 03-1793

Capacity certificate

The manager of AMBLARD’s acclimatisation centre, situated in Villepinte, holds a Capacity certificate for the sale of aquatic animals destined for aquariums.

Facility registration

AMBLARD’s acclimatisation centre is registered by the prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis for housing of aquatic animals after import.

Prefectoral decree registering the housing establishment after import of aquatic animals n° 03-1792.

Transport authorisation

Road transport of aquarium fish is carried out by companies authorised by the Departmental Management of Veterinary Services. Air transport is only effectuated by IATA registered companies (International Air Transport Association).
Direction Départementale des Services Vétérinaires
Sales to professionnal

Biodiversité pour l'aquarium poissons, invertébrés et plantes aquatiques d'eau douce et d'eau de mer.

Access to pro space
Substainable Development

En tant qu’entreprise responsable, la société AMBLARD s’engage à concilier efficacement performance économique et préservation de l’environnement.

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The AMBLARD company initialised a network of franchises of acclimatisation centres and « trans-shipping » platforms.

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Conception, réalisation : Agence ICOM - communication responsable - Toulouse

Solution de gestion de contenu : Blyss CMS, developpé par Kairn (Toulouse).